How do I find reliable online sources?
The following websites were selected to assist students with their research projects (Use "CTL+F" on your keyboard to help locate a topic)
Social Studies 7 -- Africa
Social Studies 8 -- Ancient Civilizations
Ancient Inventions
Chinese Inventions - Reach site
Ducksters ancient Chinese inventions
Top Ten Chinese Inventions
History of Acupuncture
Chinese invention of abacus
Chinese invention of seismograph
Chinese Invention of Compass
Chinese Invention of Fireworks
Chinese Invention of Gunpowder
Chinese invention of kites
Chinese invention of paper
Chinese invention of porcelain
Chinese invention of tea
History of Silk in China
Making Umbrellas in China
Ancient Man
Ancient China
Middle Ages
Miscellaneous Topics and People
West African Kingdoms
Kingdom of Mali
Kingdom of Ghana
Songhai Empire
Social Studies 7 -- Asia
Social Studies 7 -- Civil Rights
Social Studies 7 -- Civil War Personalities
Social Studies 7 -- Holocaust
For a timeline of Holocaust events, see the following websites:
For information on people of the Holocaust:
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum encyclopedia of the Holocaust.
Website about non-Jewish victims
Forgotten victims of the Holocaust including Poles and Slav
Eyewitness accounts including those of liberators, perpetrators, survivors, rescuers and members of the resistance
Links to websites about victims including gypsies, deaf people and Jehovah’s Witnesses
The Holocaust: crimes, heroes and villains
Information about the resistance during the Holocaust
Accounts of “righteous gentiles” who risked their lives to save Holocaust victims
Look at the sites below for information on the Nuremberg Laws:
Exact text of laws
For causes of the Holocaust look at:
Article on racial prejudice, stereotyping.
Nazi racism article
History of the Holocaust
Holocaust Memorial Center website
Beyond the pale: Nazis and the Holocaust
For lessons to be learned from the Holocaust, look at:
The Holocaust History Project contains documents, photographs, recordings, and essays regarding the Holocaust, including articles addressing the issue of Holocaust-denial
The Courage to Remember the Holocaust exhibit at the Simon Wiesenthal Center
Social Studies 6 -- Inventors and Inventions
Michael Faraday - Generator
Social Studies 7 -- Latin America
Science 6 -- Natural Disasters
Social Studies 7 -- National Parks
PBS national park profiles from the Ken Burns documentary series.
National Parks foundation website with details on some of the parks.
Science 7 -- Science Careers
United States Department of Labor -Occupational Outlook Handbook
National Council for Minorities in Engineering - career information
Ecological Society of America - environmental science careers
American Society for Microbiology - What do microbiologists do?
National Institutes of Health - Explore health and medical careers
Science 8 -- The Planets
Language Arts 6 -- The Watsons Go to Birmingham - 1963
Language Arts 6 -- Women's History
Social Studies 7 -- World Leaders
Works Cited
Works Cited Guide – MLA Format
Linwood Middle School Media Center
**Works cited page should be double spaced both between and within entries.
Author of article Last Name, First Name. (if listed) “Title of
article.” Name of Encyclopedia . Copyright date.
Examples: “Dinosaur.” World Book Encyclopedia . 2002.
Nice, Alex T. “Rome, Ancient.” World Book Encyclopedia . 2006.
Author’s Last Name, First Name. Title of Book . City of
Publication: Name of Publisher, Copyright date.
Example: Streissguth, Thomas. Communications: Sending the Message .
Minneapolis: The Oliver Press, Inc., 1997.
Author’s Last Name, First Name, and First Name Last Name of
other Author. Title of Book. City of Publication: Name of
Publisher, Copyright date.
Example: Pandell, Karen, and Barry Bryant. Learning from the Dalai Lama.
New York: Dutton Children’s Books, 1995.
Author’s Last Name, First Name, et al. Title of Book .
City of Publication: Name of Publisher, Copyright date.
Example: Jones, Claire, et al. Pollution: The Air We Breathe . Minneapolis,
Lerner Publications Company, 1974.
Title of Book . City of Publication: Name of Publisher, Copyright
Example: World Almanac and Book of Facts 2006. New York: World Almanac
Books, 2006.
Author of article Last Name, First Name. (if listed) “Article Title.”
Name of the Magazine Day Mo. Year: inclusive page number.
Example: Romano, Andrew. “He’s One of Us Now.” Newsweek 8 Feb. 2008:
Author of article (if listed). “Title of Article.” Name of database
(source) . Other relevant info. (when available) Date
accessed – Day Mo. Year .
Harris, Laurie Lanzen. "Thomas Edison." Biography for Beginners. 2006:166-183. SIRS
Discoverer . SIRS Discoverer on the Web. Linwood Library Media Center, North
Brunswick, NJ. 5 Jan. 2009
Swezey, Kenneth M. "Edison, Thomas Alva ." Encyclopedia Americana . 2009. Grolier
Online. 5 Jan. 2009 .
Bunsen, Matthew. "Cicero." Encyclopedia of the Roman Empire ,
Revised Edition. New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2002. Ancient
and Medieval History Online . Facts On File, Inc. 12 Feb.
Kiffel, Jamie. “The Legend of the Samurai.” National Geographic
Kids Jan/Feb 2004:30-31 Middle Search Plus 12 Feb. 2008
“Mummification.” Guardian’s Egypt . 12 Feb. 2008
In MLA documentation style, sources are acknowledged by inserting brief parenthetical citations in the text, which refer directly to the Works Cited Page at the end of the paper. The parenthetical citation that concludes the following sentence is typical of MLA style.
Ancient writers attributed the invention of the monochord to Pythagoras, who lived in the 6th century B.C. (Marcuse 197).
Note that the parenthetical precedes punctuation.
The citation (Marcuse 197) tells readers that the information in the sentence was taken from page 197 of a work by an author named Marcuse. The book would appear in the Works Cited page as follows:
Marcuse, Sibyl. A Survey of Musical Instruments. New York: Harper, 2000.
A citation contains only enough information to enable readers to find the source in the Works Cited.
–If an author’s name if mentioned in the text, only the page number appears in the citation: (197).
-If more than one work by the author is in the Works Cited, a shortened version of the title is given: (Marcuse, Survey197).
-If an entry in the Works Cited has no author and is listed by title, the title (if brief), or a shortened version is used for the parenthetical.
-As the entry appears in the Works Cited must be how it is used in the parenthetical. When abbreviating the title, begin with the word by which it is alphabetized in the Works Cited.
Example: (Population 176) would be the parenthetical used when referring to the following title in the Works Cited.
Population of the Ancient World . New York: Little Publishers, 1998. (book has no author)
All information included here is from:
Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 5th ed. New York: The Modern Language Association of America, 1999.