Take a lunch break or a night off from cooking dinner and help raise money for Linwood Students! Mention Linwood Student Congress to your server or call the restaurant af...
Unlocking Your Child’s Potential: Enhancing Organizational Skills in Children. For anyone who missed Dr. Rich's parent academy on Executive Functioning, the presentation is link...
Our talented musicians will be performing at the High School. Please come out and support our students in Band, Choir and Orchestra! They have been working hard all year!
Sign up to donate items HERE! Teacher Appreciation Week is coming up, and the PTO is looking for donations for a staff meal! Sign up using the link above if you would like to d...
Watch our newly released teacher recruitment video, featuring highlights from across our district. Thank you to Mr Swain, Mrs Guzio, Mr Toro, & our NBTHS Honors TV Production II ...
We are back with exciting news! Our district Art Show 2024 is coming up in May! The Linwood Art Department will be selecting student work this month. We can't wait to display some...
Hello Linwood! Are you ready for pizza?! The Linwood School PTO is selling Little Caesars Pizza Kits, Bread Kits, Cookie Dough, and In-Store Meal Deals to raise money for L...